Top row: Red-tailed Hawk, Peregrine Falcon, Bald Eagle, Coopers Hawk, Harris’s Hawk. Bottom row: Red-shouldered Hawk, Great Horned Owl, Immature Golden Eagle, Male Kestrel, Female Kestrel Available in many styles and sizes for kids and adults, and in many colors CLICK HERE TO CUSTOMIZE AND […]
Category Archives: Owls

Burrowing Owls and more in Southern California
Burrowing Owls are adorable little raptors that actually live in the ground. They occupy burrows made by squirrels, foxes, skunks and other mammals. They are not found in the Northeast, so when I recently had reason to be in San Diego, I drove out to […]

Great Horned Owls nest in Great Blue Heron rookery
Great Horned Owls do not build their own nests – they use cavities in trees or take over nests built by other large birds. In the following series, an owl took over a nest built by a Great Blue Heron and raised her own owlets […]

Injured Snowy Owl Returns to Freedom
After I spent weeks photographing a wild Snowy Owl in Providence through a zoom lens like a paparazzi, getting to “meet” this owl was, for me, like meeting a celebrity. The stunning beauty seen here was found injured on November 26th at Quonset Airport. She […]

Snowy Owl in Providence, Rhode Island
Early in December, I was extremely lucky to find a Snowy Owl here in Providence. Amazingly, I seemed to be the only person aware of the owl at the time, so I visited often to photograph and observe its behavior through my zoom lens. I’m […]

Northern Saw-Whet Owl returns to freedom
This little Northern Saw-Whet Owl was hit by a car in Barrington, RI, and suffered a concussion but no broken bones. He is assumed to be just under a year old. After a week of rehabilitation (rest and mice) in the caring hands the Born […]

Eastern Screech Owlets in Providence
Eastern Screech Owls are one of my favorite birds, so this photo series is very special to me. It took many weeks of persistence and bike rides to complete this series. Many days I saw nothing at all, but I ended up with more than […]

screech owls, bald eagle and my first merlin
Some days I go looking for raptors and find nothing at all… other days I get lucky and find owls, eagles, a merlin, and more. These pictures were all taken yesterday in Providence – a very lucky day. My Eastern Screech Owl pictures were featured […]

Owls and more at Blue Hills Trailside Museum, MA
I recently visited the Blue Hills Trailside Museum in Milton MA where I will be displaying seven large photos through the remainder of the year. The friendly staff gave me a behind-the-scenes tour to meet their resident raptors. All of the birds are either injured […]
Providence Raptors: The Musical
Announcing: Providence Raptors – The Musical! Just kidding, but I do have some beautiful music to share… Jamie Allen (a local composer, conductor, performer, and music educator) was inspired by my “Providence Raptors” book to compose five original pieces based on specific chapters. Performed on […]