In 2022, I moved out of Providence, so I no longer see the Peregrine Falcons and other urban raptors from my window. I’ll miss them, but 15 years downtown was long enough and now I have a house with my own land full of birds, frogs, deer, and more. I’m grateful for all the nice people and organizations I’ve met through birding and I still work with Audubon Society of RI, Wildlife Clinic of RI, and more.

ProvidenceRaptors Book

Documenting the Lives of Urban Birds of Prey

A Decade of Photographs & Stories by Peter Green
Published August 2020

Thank you to everyone who bought a copy of my book –
I am now completely SOLD OUT.


IT’S A BIRD-EAT-BIRD WORLD. Follow wildlife photographer Peter Green as he documents the Peregrine Falcons, Red-tailed Hawks, American Kestrels, and other raptor species that live and thrive in downtown Providence, Rhode Island.






The Barred Owl hunting rodents downtown did not escape from a zoo, the Peregrine Falcons were not dispatched by the government to reduce the pigeon population, and the Bald Eagles soaring over the skyline are not lost while migrating to Alaska. Wild predatory raptors have adapted to urban environments and are perfectly at home on structures of brick and steel.

This book is a collection of photographs and stories that reveal how stealthy birds of prey live in the city, and provides tips you can follow to help urban raptors survive.

“As striking as the photographs are in the new book, the accompanying stories are just as interesting.” Read the article »

10/08/2020 by Amanda Milkovits. Read the article »


“LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! The photos are amazing and your delightful descriptions made it all come together so nicely!!” – C.O.

“I just read the whole book and loved it! The photos are amazing, but I also loved the individual stories about the birds. Congratulations!” – L.P.

“Once started, I couldn’t put it down and read it cover to cover. I loved your introduction and then each chapter was as good as or better than the previous one. So well written, I was spellbound and imagined that even a novice bird watcher would be unable to put the book down. Your photos matched up perfectly with the text and really showed the depth of your research and dedication.” – V.M.

“Wonderful book! So nice to have the collection of pictures in a book I can pick up anytime and can show others. You write very well…very entertaining!” – M.S.

“We are sharing it over morning coffee and are loving it! Congratulations on a beautifully written and illustrated work. We can’t put it down!” – B.P.

“Our copy arrived today and it is absolutely wonderful! I love the resources you list at the end for folks to find ways to help. Beautiful book in every way. Thank you!!” – S.T.