Early in December, I was extremely lucky to find a Snowy Owl here in Providence. Amazingly, I seemed to be the only person aware of the owl at the time, so I visited often to photograph and observe its behavior through my zoom lens. I’m grateful for the rare opportunities to be alone with this wild arctic raptor so close to my home.

Currently, an unexpected irruption of snowy owls into the U.S. appears to be one of the largest on record. Here are some links to more information as to why this is happening:
» Audubon Magazine: Notes from a Snowy Owl Invasion
» Audubon Magazine: Snowy Owls: Bird Expert Kenn Kaufman Answers 12 Questions
» American Birding Association: 2013 Snowy Owl Invasion: It’s getting crazier by the minute
» Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Video: Snowy Owl Invasion (3:30 min)
» PBS: Video: Magic of the Snowy Owl (55 min)

Migrating snowy owls prey on ducks and other shorebirds, so the owl was often resting peacefully on a dock or barge, watching the passing ducks:

Here the owl coughed up a pellet by its feet:

Here it has its eyes fixed on a Common Goldeneye:

On this day, the owl posed on the rocks with its sharp talons fully visible:

As with all owls, this snowy’s camouflage is quite impressive:

On this evening, the sun set behind the sleepy owl:

This gloomy morning, the owl was flying away with prey in its talons — I’m not sure what it caught:

On this cold day, the owl was spotted by a pair of crows who were not happy to see it. The crows dove at it incessantly until it flew away:

Here we see an even more elusive creature… the Snowy Meowl ;)

On Christmas day, the owl was perched high on a telephone pole and felt very safe so I was able to approach slowly and hide behind shrubs to get these close-ups. Blood on its talons was a good indication that it had eaten recently:

Although close-ups are beautiful, some of my favorite photos show the owl included as part of the landscape:

Lastly, I want to mention that my friends at Born To Be Wild Nature Center in Bradford are currently caring for two injured snowy owls found in Rhode Island. If you love snowies and would like to aid in their rehabilitation and release, please consider a donation to BTBW via their website: hawkri.org

Such a beautiful photographic commentary on a remarkably rare visitor to Providence. I believe you were chosen by these magnificent creatures to help tell their story. Well done, Peter!
I continue to be enthralled by your work, Peter. I’m so glad I clicked on your site this morning to discover this fantastic series about “your” snowy. I’m forever amazed at how you have chosen (or, like the commenter above, “been chosen”) to do this work, to show to the rest of us the magnificent raptors in our own urban locale. Thanks so much!!
These are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. And happy new year!
This series is unbelievable! Truly beautiful photos by a talented photographer!!
Great shots, as ever, Peter. Thank you!
We saw a Snowy Owl in the swamp approaching Point Judith on Saturday morning, but I’m not as quick on the shutter as your are, so you’ll have to take my word for it.
Magnificent work Peter, very envious of the pictures and sightings, but not of the cold weather that’s likely to follow the Snowy Owl.
Oh, Peter, these photos are beautiful! All your hard work and diligence has really paid off. :-)
Thank you for sharing your remarkable gift with all of us.
Just spectacular photos. I agree with Vivian, the work you do is very special!
WICKED!! I should of known you would see them !
I am so fascinated with your photos. I love owls , they amaze me. Thank you for the beautiful pics.
Hi Peter. Thank you for showing me these beautiful bird pictures. You are a perfectionist with your photos. They are just beautiful. I still watch the little birds every day from my window and love every minute of it.
Gorgeous, moving pictures of an amazing raptor! Also of the Snowy Meowl. ;)
Peter what a treat to see your thoughtful, beautiful, and respectful photos and experience with a beautiful owl- really enjoyed this!
Peter, Thanks so much for these special pictures. I completely concur with all the complimentary comments above and can’t say them better. Who else but you could have captured so intimately the daily life of this beautiful bird?!
Beautiful images, especially the one staring down at you through the slats of the telephone pole. Just love those luminous yellow eyes. Also glad to see it is hunting successfully! And the image of it sitting on the dock with ducks floating by – oh my! I wonder if they even know what a Snowy Owl is.
What great shots! How lucky we are to have this visitor.
Thank you for sharing these gorgeous photos. I really appreciate the time and effort you took to get these photos and the cold weather you had to endure. I’m sure you feel that it was well worth it in the end with these magnificent photos. Your work is truly amazing!
Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog and leave comments, I sincerely appreciate it!
Peter, Looks like from the shape of the wing of the prey it might of been a sea gull? Amazing pictures!
Amazing photos per usual. Thank you for sharing!