Some days, it seems I’m the only person who notices a hawk perched in plain sight…

Walking in Kennedy Plaza today, I spotted a Red-tailed Hawk in a tree above a bus stop…

It was only 19 degrees out, so it had one foot tucked into its feathers for warmth…

Nearby, people leave food for pigeons, unaware of the fact they are indirectly feeding a wild hawk. As the pigeons fight for breadcrumbs, they are oblivious to the hawk eyeing them…

Once it selects a target, the hawk dives at the flock…

Pedestrians are unaware of the hawk flying amongst us…

Unsuccessful on this attempt, the hawk returned to the trees to hide and try again…

Target selected…

…got it!

After subduing its prey, the hawk carried the pigeon from the sidewalk to the snowy park to enjoy its lunch…

…and posed for shocked spectators to gawk in amazement.

Hawks also help reduce the rat population

Peter, these pics are stunning! I was hoping the hawk didn’t catch a pigeon but it was inevitable. Great job! How’s your falcons doing? Almost time again. BTW, I’m from rfalconcam fb page. One of the admins! Keep up the great shots. Be waiting for more. :)
Thanks Donna, I’m still a big fan of the rochester falcons and enjoy following their adventures on facebook. I see the peregrines here perched high on the bank tower, but rarely get to see them up close like the hawks.
Great documentation of the the hunt, Peter! The top shot is gorgeous.
Thanks, everyone, it’s still a thrill for me to see the hawks in action
Stunning pics, as usual!
We are proud to have been the print vendor of choice for
Providence Raptors in the past, and look forward
to continuing to meet your needs.
Thanks, you guys do great work!
Such a tremendous documentation of this beautiful bird of prey. There are 2 neighboring Red Tail Hawks where I live and try though I might to capture them on camera, it is difficult to do. Kudos to you for your efforts! Absolutely beautiful!
Thank you, Chris, I appreciate your compliments sincerely
Wow, your coverage of this classic battle between predator and prey is truly remarkable. As Chris posted, it is very difficult to capture a good photo and you take not one but an entire series! Well done, Peter! My favorite is the hawk flying amongst the two oblivious pedestrians! My guess is this is a female (because she’s large) and a 2 or 3 yr old (by her eye color). People tend to feel sorry for the prey but do you noice how they always outnumber the predator (30:1) ?
Thanks Vivian, that is my favorite too – I’m always amazed that I seem to be the only one who notices the hawk. And thanks for your expert ID of the age and sex. It’s a bit sad for the prey, yep, but I’d rather see one less pigeon than a hawk that starved.
Everyone, please follow Born To Be Wild Nature Center on Facebook to see Vivian’s great work rehabilitating injured raptors.
What gorgeous photos! I would be so thrilled to have witnessed that whole scenario. Thank you for bringing it to us. And I would not have been oblivious, had it happened in front of me!
Wow, so amazing to see these pics. Thank you so much for sharing. We have a hawk that is working very hard to try and get our chickens the last 3 weeks or so. We also have these big black birds, like ravens that chase it away, they have actually knocked it right out of the sky, when it was flying, I am told it is because they are protecting there own territory, this has been happening every couple of days. This hawk is not afraid of us either, he landed right beside my son, to try and get one of my chickens. Thankfully they have netting over there grazing area. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about why these big black birds go after the hawk this way? It is very fasinating. Thank you
Thank you, Lynn. You’re correct – crows, grackles, mockingbirds, etc will often chase birds of prey away from their nesting or roosting territory. They can be a bit too wily for the hawk to catch.
Awesome pictures. A very beautiful young looking eagle.
hawk ;)
thanks for the picture of the hawk and black bird, yep that is pretty much what is happening, those black birds will spend hours chasing that hawk. Thanks so much. I am going to keep looking for your pictures, you’re an awesome photographer. :)
Love your photography of these majestic birds.
As everyone else said – stunningly gorgeous as usual!
Peter, this is an amazing look into the life of the hawk in our city streets! I was hoping he wouldn’t get the pigeon but this is life…
Every time I check in on your website there is a new thrill to peruse! These are incredible shots!!
Peter, your photos are always beautiful. When I’m driving home (west on 195) from working the 11pm to 7am shift, I always see a hawk sitting on top of one of the street lights on the highway. I finally saw him in his favorite tree. One of these days, I will stop and take a picture as there isn’t much traffic that early in the morning, especially on a sunday. I’m not sure what type of hawk it is. Of course, my pictures aren’t as good as Peter’s, but he may be able to identify it for me. thank you. Marylee
Thank you, Marylee. I’d guess you’re seeing a red-tailed hawk – they are very common on lampposts. They often wait for roadkill, an easy meal to retrieve, but unfortunately this leads to many hawks getting hit by cars.
Thank you for sharing your amazing photos and story- very interesting indeed!
Peter, you never cease to amaze me and to show us a part of our world we would never know about, understand or see so closely and beautifully. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us.
Great shots Peter. Such an abundant supply of food for raptors in Providence.