Recently, I was very surprised to see this young Red-tailed Hawk with leather straps on both feet. He was in a tree near the Rhode Island State House and must have escaped from a falconer somewhere – possibly even from another state. I often have to explain to people that the hawks I photograph are all wild, not pets, and not owned by the government to kill city rats… and then I stumble upon a hawk that isn’t completely wild. Wild!
I contacted RIDEM (RI Dept of Environmental Management) and asked for advice… They spoke to local falconers, and nobody was missing a hawk, but they advised I capture the hawk and remove the straps so he can be free. “Capture a hawk?!” Yea, Right.

The following day, I found the hawk again and called RIDEM who then called a sympathetic falconer who said he’d help capture it, but he wasn’t available and the hawk quickly flew away anyway. I’d really, really like to help this hawk, but it seems like mission impossible.

Update: part two
Well this is funny, but you did capture the hawk – digitally!
Hopefully someone will be able to get the straps off this bird so they can enjoy their natural life.
A couple of years ago there was a guy who used to let his Red Tail Hawk fly around Swan Point. and one day in Dec. the bird desided to not go back to him when he called it.From what I was told.This man captured a young Hawk from the cemetery to replace the one he lost.
I don’t know who he was,but was informed that he had passed away (the man).I’m hoping the Hawk is fine and living a good life now in the wild.
hmmm, that sounds like an urban legend to me, but perhaps it’s true. thanks for posting, kari, you have some great photos on your site – the albino hawk is beautiful.
No it’s true. I have a few friends that have seen this man with his hawks at the cemetery on North Main st. Have you seen it this year yet.I would love to get a picture of it also?
Thanks Peter. I have been watching the white hawk for a few years and she is the most beautiful bird that I have seen so far. :)
Very hard to photograph as she doesn’t sit low like other Red Tail Hawks.