Two juvenile Peregrine Falcons, approximately eight weeks old, were recently picked up by DEM officers in Pawtucket, RI. Both young raptors were found on the ground – it is believed they got away from their nest and did not yet have the ability to fly home on their own. They were taken to Born To Be Wild Nature Center to be evaluated for any injuries or impairments.
On June 6, I visited Born To Be Wild Nature Center to photograph the siblings:

Here they are enjoying some quail for lunch…

On June 15, I accompanied wildlife officials and the Mayor of Pawtucket to release the young male falcon back at City Hall where his parents were still caring for two other siblings. The female did not yet demonstrate an ability to fly on her own, so she is still in rehab.
When we arrived, one adult falcon was sitting in a window on City Hall and one of the wild siblings was stretching its wings…

We climbed stairs to the rooftop of the fire station next to City Hall for the release… here is Vivian Maxson from Born To Be Wild Nature Center who cared for the falcon in rehab…

Mayor of Pawtucket, Don Grebien, releasing the falcon…

He eventually landed on a nearby rooftop…

he looked around, and stretched his wings….

then he was off to rejoin his family… good luck!!

Want more? Click here for my photos of the Pawtucket Peregrine Falcons in 2012.
You can play a role in the survival of a sick, injured or orphaned wild animal. Please click here to donate to Born To Be Wild Nature Center. It’s a direct effective way to make a difference, and wildlife everywhere thanks you!
Peter, that was really beautiful. Your pics are wonderful, as always. Love the carrier for the little falcon! The female is OK, just a bit not into the flying game? Hope she rejoins her sibs soon! Thanks and great job by the rehabbers!
Your pictures are magnificent, thank you!