This voracious Red-tailed Hawk has been lunching in Burnside Park almost every day. Many people come to feed the pigeons, and when the pigeons are busy eating bread/seeds/popcorn/bagels, the hawk swoops down and picks one up from the ground. It’s amazing to witness.
© 2010 Peter Green. All rights reserved.

© 2010 Peter Green. All rights reserved.

pleasent surprise to hear from you, what’s a good time of day to observe these beauties peter? hawks, the spirit of clear vision… i am learning to paint and hope to be able to put down on canvas my awe of these creatures…. always looking up!! K
thank you, kandie. i’d recommend looking for this hawk in burnside park on cold/snowy weekend mornings when there are less people there and the hawk feels freer to hunt without being disturbed.
Hello Peter love your shots. What are you shooting with?
Thank you – I currently use a Canon 7D with a 500mm Sigma lens.